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Best Management Practices (BMP) Retrofit - Property Status Symbols

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BMP Certificate

For properties with a certificate, you can click directly on the green star in the BMP Status column of the search results and it will open a printable web-version of the BMP Certificate of Completion and maintenance requirements.

Certificate Revoked

Certified properties can fall out of compliance if BMPs are not functionally maintained. Once BMPs are maintained, contact TRPA for a final inspection to reinstate your certificate.

Maintenance Requested

Properties that have an aging certificate may be required to show proof of maintenance to keep the certificate valid.


Properties who fail to come into compliance with BMP Requirements may be placed under enforcement. Enforcement could affect any property that simply has not implemented BMPs yet. Enforcement properties should contact TRPA to speak directly with assigned staff for steps needed to bring the property into compliance.

BMP Evaluation

TRPA and partner agencies perform free BMP Evaluations that assess properties for BMPs needed to come into compliance. By clicking on the scroll you can contact TRPA to request a copy of the evaluation. Before a BMP Certificate can be issued, property owners must implement BMPs and pass a final inspection. Please note that BMP Evaluations are only valid for three years from their date of issue. For evaluations older than three years, please consult with TRPA or the partner agency that completed the evaluation for up to date information prior to requesting a final inspection.  

Site Constraints

Properties considered site constrained are unable to infiltrate water onsite due to a number of inhibiting factors such as high groundwater, bedrock, slow infiltrating soils, utilities, etc. Although properties cannot infiltrate stromwater on-site, they must complete all sediment source control requirements onsite and pass a final inspection before a Source Control Certificate can be issued. Future action such as paying into an in-lieu fee or participating in a neighborhood wide project may be required to achieve a full certificate of completion.  

Retrofit Only - No Constraint

Properties that have completed retrofitting by installing source control BMPs and have been issued a Source Control Certificate, will then design and size remaining infiltration BMPs when permitting a property improvement, such as an addition/remodel/tear down rebuild. Once the property installs full infiltration BMPs, TRPA issues a BMP Certificate of Completion. This streamlined process does not apply to properties in areas identified as high priorities for compliance, or to multi-family residential and commercial properties because of the higher amount of pollutants they produce.  

Source Control Certificate

The Source Control Certificate is for site-constrained properties who have met all sediment source control requirements. Because properties cannot infiltrate stormwater on site, future action may be required, such as paying into an in-lieu fee or participating in a neighborhood wide project, to achieve a full Certificate of Completion. Click on the yellow star to open a web-base printable version of the Certificate and maintenance requirements.    

Privacy Release Authorization

Properties who received BMP Evaluations through one of the Conservation Districts must sign privacy release forms for information to be publicly available on the Best Management Practices Search Engine.  


  No Evaluation

Properties with “No Evaluation” have not yet started the BMP Retrofit process. Request a free BMP Evaluation directly on the BMP search engine home page